Submit photos for the Yearbook!

Friday, April 17, 2020 ~ by 9 PM!

Submit Yearbook photos during quarantine -- by April 17th, 9 PM!

We want to continue to add pictures of some of our WCA moments at home! We are asking parents who are interested to submit pictures of their student(s) for the following "events." Note: If you are using your phone, please do not zoom so we can get the best quality picture possible.
Here are the "events" we would love for people to send to us: (NOTE: When uploading a photo, please select the correct folder.)

  • WCA Spirit Day -- We would love to see your Wolf Pride shine! Let's see all of the awesome things our students are doing at home and as a family!
  • International Spirit Day -- Now is your chance to show us clothing from other cultures!
  • Daughters' Dance-- To take the place of our Daughters' Dance pictures in the yearbook, please send a picture of your daughter with their "date!" Bonus points if they're dressed up in our Sock Hop theme (but this isn't a requirement...any picture will do)!
  • Sons' Dance-- To take the place of our Sons' Dance pictures in the yearbook, please send a picture of your son with their "date!" Again, bonus points if they're dressed up in our Sock Hop theme (but this isn't a requirement....any picture will do)!
  • WCA Distance Learning -- Show us your student learning from home. This may be using the Chromebook, doing hands on lessons, doing arts and crafts!

Please submit all photos by April 17th in order for them to be considered for inclusion in the yearbook!

  • Learn more about Yearbook
    The Yearbook committee -- responsible for the complete design of the West Creek Academy yearbook -- takes all photos for the yearbook (with the exception of school individual pictures) and organizes, edits, and designs page layouts. A big but very rewarding commitment!

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