Staff/Teacher Appreciation Thanksgiving Luncheon

Thursday, November 17, 2022 ~ Deliver all items by 9:30am

Now is the perfect time to thank our teachers and staff for all they do for our students!

Our monthly appreciation on Thursday, November 17th will be treating them to a Thanksgiving Luncheon! We would love families to donate homemade or store-bought items listed in our sign up. All items need to be delivered to the front office by 9:30am on November 17th! Please deliver all food items (except pies) in foil pans covered in foil (12.75in x 10.3in x 2.5in). This will allow us to keep the items heated!

Sign up for items you wish to deliver here!

In addition, we would love to provide gifts to staff and teachers. Please consider donating small homemade or purchased gifts that we can raffle off to staff and teachers. Your contributions are much appreciated!

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