Women in History Week

Mon - Fri, March 15 - 19, 2021
This event features women that have left a lasting legacy in areas such as Science, Activism, Law, and Aviation. Please click on each name/picture to access the videos our wonderful Media Library Specialist, Mrs. Sawyer made for our students.

Kate Warne  

1833 – January 28, 1868 

Kate Warne was the first female detective in the Pinkerton Detective Agency, and the first female detective in the United States.  She is known for uncovering the 1861 Baltimore Plot to assassinate president-elect Abraham Lincoln.


Sonia Sotomayor  

June 25, 1954 -

Sonia Sotomayor was nominated by President Barack Obama as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 26, 2009 and she assumed this role on August 8, 2009.  She is the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the Supreme Court and is known for her trust in the judicial process and for her kindness.


Bessie Coleman  

January 26, 1892 – April 30, 1926

Bessie Coleman was the first African American and the first Native American woman pilot.  She was known for performing flying tricks giving her the nickname “Brave Bessie.”The “Bessie Coleman Stamp” was introduced in 1995 to commemorate her accomplishments.


Dr. Temple Grandin  

August 29, 1947 –   

Dr. Temple Grandin is an Animal Scientist and proponent for the humane treatment of livestock.  She is also an Autism Rights activist having been diagnosed on the Spectrum in adulthood.  In 2017, Dr. Grandin was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.


Chien-Shiung Wu 

May 29, 1912 – February 16, 1997

Chien Shiung was a Chinese-born American physicist.  She was best known for her work on the Wu experiment, which proved that parity is not conserved.  Often referred to as the “First Lady of Physics,” she received the National Medal of Science in 1975 and had a US Postage Stamp commemorated in her honor in February 2021.


Malala Yousafzai 

July 12, 1997 –   

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education who had an attempt on her life in retaliation for her activism. She won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, becoming the youngest recipient in history.  Malala graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 2020.

Thank you Mrs. Sawyer!


  • Learn more about Women in History Week
    Women in History Week is a celebration of important women. Several important female figures are chosen. Volunteers learn about the chosen women and ultimately portray the women. Dressed as these historical figures, the volunteers visit classrooms in character and teach the students about the impact these women have had on our lives today. Students are encouraged to ask questions and participate in a discussion with the women. This week is always a favorite activity of students, teachers, and volunteers.

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