2021 WCA Dance It Out Fundraiser

WCA's 2021 Fundraiser "Dance it Out" is on October 29th.
Students will be participating our the Dance It Out Fundraiser during school recess wearing their free grade level t-shirt. Sign up on Pledgestar to donate today!

Our fundraiser helps us raise money for programs such as meet the masters, technology, library books and resources, reflections, special assemblies and teacher supplies. As the year goes on we hope to add some of our regular programs to the mix, such as the music and pathway programs.

Please register each student and follow the instructions on https://pledgestar.com/westcreek/

* Please consider that prizes are one per registered student, if you have more than one student, you will need to split the donations so when they reach $25 they each get their water bottle and the same goes for Wolfie when you reach $75. 

For questions about the fundraiser, please use the contact form on the website and choose "Fundraising" from the drop-down menu.

  • Learn more about Fall and Spring Fundraisers
    Each year, the West Creek Academy PTA holds two major fundraisers -- one in the fall and one in the spring. We have held Fun Runs, Direct Donation campaigns, jog-a-thons, spell-a-thons, and put on a gala and auction evening. Each of these events has helped raise funds needed to support our music program, field trips, library needs, maintenance needs, emergency supply needs, assemblies, and more! We thank everyone for the continuing support!

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