Candidates for 2017-18 elected Eboard positions

PTA is looking for candidate nominations to fill Executive Board elected positions for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.

  • Currently PTA is seeking nominations for the elected positions of President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraising VP, Programs VP, Membership VP, Historian, Auditor.
  • If you would like to be a part of the PTA Executive Board or if you would like to nominate a candidate, please contact Stacie House by Sunday, February 5th (choose 'Nominating Committee' in the Contact Form pull-down) and include Candidate Name along with a short paragraph on why you would like to be a part of the Executive Board OR why your nominee would be a great addition to the Executive Board.
  • All nominations will be considered by the nominating committee. Final nominations and recommendations will be decided on by the nominating committee.