Volunteers Needed! We Need YOU!

Family Night at MB2: Click here to sign up!

We would love help with checking in families as they join us at our MB2 event! The more volunteers we have, the faster our families can be checked in and start playing!

My Valentine and Me: Click here to sign up!

We are excited to host our first My Valentine and Me night! Students will be bringing their favorite people to do crafts, play games and have fun together. We need help with set up, clean up, and during the event. If you are an approved volunteer, then please sign up to help! THANK YOU!

Trash Free Fridays: Click here to sign up!

We are looking for help with writing names down on Green Team Tickets during lunch every Friday! All you have to do is check the student's lunch, write their name and grade on the back of the ticket and turn them in at the end of your shift! If you are an approved volunteer, then please sign up to help!


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