Volunteers Needed! We Need YOU!

November is a time for togetherness, celebration, and appreciation.  At WCA, we are celebrating Native American Heritage Month, and we welcome you to celebrate too!  The PTA and school staff have some fun activities planned for the students, and we need your help to make all of them happen.  If you'd like to volunteer, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C48ABA928A1FE3-native


We are back with our Change Challenge!  This is when students bring in change and have a little competition on what grade level gets the most points.  The points are based on the change they put in the different grade level containers.  Come help us collect the change during the recess and then to count the change each day!  It is LOTS of FUN!  You must be an approved volunteer AND a PTA member for these slots: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c48aba928a1fe3-change

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