Membership Monday!

It's Membership Monday!

Thank you, West Creek Academy! PTA is now over 300 members strong and growing!  Please help us reach our goal of 1,100 members.  The easiest way to join is online.   Dues are only $7.00 per person.

The first Classroom to reach 60% PTA membership by next Monday (8/21/17) will receive a popsicle party!

Did you know that when you join our PTA, you are part of National PTA, a powerful voice for children with an impressive 100-year history of successes, including legislation that created universal kindergarten and the National School Lunch Program? Interested in more National PTA accomplishments? Please check out

Membership Monday ~ Why do I do PTA?

As a child of a 40+ years high school Chemistry teacher, I saw what happened after my mother left the job. It came home with her. And she never complained. Teaching was her passion -- just like I see in the efforts of the staff at West Creek Academy.

I began as a volunteer in my son's kindergarten class here at West Creek five years ago. I got first-hand experience of how intense an effort is required to hold the attention and interest of 28 kindergartners! Over the years I have served as Room Mom and joined the PTA to serve on various committees and Executive Board positions. I quickly learned that this is way more than baking cupcakes, this is teaching and staff support. Our PTA is comprised of people exactly like me, and nothing like me, who share the same common goal: to see our children thrive. And I’m proud to do it!
~Kelley Zehfuss, 2017-18 WCA PTA President

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